full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Andrea Berchowitz: The link between menopause and gender inequity at work

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Now, for anyone who doesn't know, which turns out to be many of us — for me, I had my first caenoorstivn with my own mother about menopause in the last few years — it's a big deal. And it's not just a big deal for women over 45. Nonbinary, transmasculine and yeonugr women may all cope with menopausal symptoms. So what are these symptoms? They can be physical, so that's hot flushes, joint pain, uinrray incontinence, heavy pdiores. They can also be mental: anxiety, depression, bouts of low confidence, diculiffty sleeping. Imagine that — 10 years of difficulty snielepg. The list is long and symptoms can change, so it means you never really know what to expect. But make no mistake: they are singnicifat.

Open Cloze

Now, for anyone who doesn't know, which turns out to be many of us — for me, I had my first ____________ with my own mother about menopause in the last few years — it's a big deal. And it's not just a big deal for women over 45. Nonbinary, transmasculine and _______ women may all cope with menopausal symptoms. So what are these symptoms? They can be physical, so that's hot flushes, joint pain, _______ incontinence, heavy _______. They can also be mental: anxiety, depression, bouts of low confidence, __________ sleeping. Imagine that — 10 years of difficulty ________. The list is long and symptoms can change, so it means you never really know what to expect. But make no mistake: they are ___________.


  1. younger
  2. difficulty
  3. conversation
  4. periods
  5. sleeping
  6. significant
  7. urinary

Original Text

Now, for anyone who doesn't know, which turns out to be many of us — for me, I had my first conversation with my own mother about menopause in the last few years — it's a big deal. And it's not just a big deal for women over 45. Nonbinary, transmasculine and younger women may all cope with menopausal symptoms. So what are these symptoms? They can be physical, so that's hot flushes, joint pain, urinary incontinence, heavy periods. They can also be mental: anxiety, depression, bouts of low confidence, difficulty sleeping. Imagine that — 10 years of difficulty sleeping. The list is long and symptoms can change, so it means you never really know what to expect. But make no mistake: they are significant.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
health care 5
menopausal symptoms 4
big deal 2
heavy periods 2
difficulty sleeping 2
female leadership 2
physical setup 2
work culture 2
natural process 2
huge difference 2
frequent breaks 2
treatment options 2
care resources 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
health care resources 2

Important Words

  1. anxiety
  2. big
  3. bouts
  4. change
  5. confidence
  6. conversation
  7. cope
  8. deal
  9. depression
  10. difficulty
  11. expect
  12. flushes
  13. heavy
  14. hot
  15. imagine
  16. incontinence
  17. joint
  18. list
  19. long
  20. means
  21. menopausal
  22. menopause
  23. mother
  24. nonbinary
  25. pain
  26. periods
  27. physical
  28. significant
  29. sleeping
  30. symptoms
  31. transmasculine
  32. turns
  33. urinary
  34. women
  35. years
  36. younger